President Times - USA - French Press telling me President BUSH did not behave while meeting the pope.
What exactly President Bush did while in Roma? So far, I was told that the President did cross his legs the Texan way while talking to the pope and dared address him as Sir.
Well Mister President, I must say that, they just don't kow that "Sir" is quite very polite and crossing legs the Texan way when you are a Texan guy, just a normal thing to do when you feel in a trustable environment. These guys are wired.
Guess what they would be saying by now if you came to meet the pope with the hat (I wanted)you got from the Indianapolis Colts(will always remember that "pretty snaggy").
Was told you going home on monday(lucky you are), never know, if you got a free seat on Air Force One, I wouldn't say no.
Labels: What would we do without him
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