Saturday, December 13, 2008

The human rights universal declaration which they pretend give them somekind of anteriority wasn't it seems universal enough to offer the Corsicans, the Basque and the Breizh some rights....
They gonna say that it's universal, so of course the Corsicans and all the Small Nations are included, then you ask, alright then, does it mean that your version of the universal character of human rights include an authorisation to destroy cultures and languages or does it mean that to access your version of human rights (but don't know exactly what it is), the Small Nations have to forget about their language, culture and rights?
Very complicated stuff man.... don't get what you mean. I don't mind reading your post but...
I would put it that way. I think it's easier for people to get your point.
How many acres of land has the paris regime universal human rights cost the Corsicans and the Small Nations?
That way I think it speaks more to people, you know, people can put a price on an acre.


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