Le repas de Fofana, par Dominique Dhombres - Le Monde
Cet article mérité d'être lu, même la presse est quelque fois touchée par la grâce ma foi.
Cet article mérité d'être lu, même la presse est quelque fois touchée par la grâce ma foi.
Vu, lu et rapporté ici sur un l'un des sites de soutien à la cause Islamique et palestinienne en général et en particulier à M. Dieudonné :
Amcha possède un site internet permettant de consulter ses articles, les activités et campagnes organisées. Amcha est un mouvement spirituel dont les activités sont inspirées par le principe Ahavat Yisrael.
Following a crime where a man was beaten up for ten hours and killed in an attempt to steal his money, The french state tv broadcasters have started their campaign to deny the racist murder of a young Jewish man abducted, held hostage and tortured for almost a month and finally killed.
Henriette, 32 years old leaves in a city named Creteil, 20 mn away from Paris center, every day she makes sure that nobody can tell she is Jewish by looking at her, the attack can come any time, any where.
Today a new attack took place in france, a lady, social worker, was beaten up in her office by two men. They wrote on her body "Mohammed" and "dirty Jew" on a wall in her office.
Targeting the Jewish community, thursday morning, a young man was abducted and held for several hours by four men. They asked for 300 000 euros and gave a lot of information on his life, his pregnant wife, his family, his job. The amount asked was for his family members safety. He was later released.