Sunday, November 30, 2008

Just another way to ensure they can't recover their culture and language... They already practiced it in the Breizh area with "success" regarding their standards...

I would say that, if you loose your house, don't blame Corsica, the Corsicans or any rights movements, blame the regime using you as a weapon against the Corsicans.

Did you ever get a clue of they mean when they invoke every time they can "humanism"?

Pick that one - "Le ministre allemand de l'Economie, Michael Glos (CSU), travaille à un projet de baisse de l'impôt sur le revenu de 25 milliards d'euros et souhaite "des décisions concrètes" rapides, affirme l'hebdomadaire Focus à paraître lundi. Cette baisse d'impôt visant à amortir les effets de la crise financière ciblerait en priorité les bas salaires et les classes moyennes, selon le document cité, qui prévoit selon Focus une réduction substantielle des taux d'imposition et un léger relèvement du seuil d'imposition.
L'objectif est de rendre le travail "nettement plus attractif" pour ces catégories de revenus. Le document cite des projections: le projet apporterait 477 euros net de plus par an à un célibataire gagnant 20.000 euros brut annuels. Et un couple à deux salaires gagnant au total 56.000 euros brut aurait 1.696 euros de plus dans la poche chaque année. "
Interesting. At least, they do something.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Ruth is an all time shining star but I ain't sure that type of oufit is suitable for farming activities.

Visit Global Voices. Note that CNBC gets a special for the Mumbaï reporting and CNN, Anderson (a rival) an unfair blame. CNN Heroes is a very good initiative, awards there are for people going unoticed for doing what most claim governments shoul do but don't do. The timing is unfortunate but I recommend the devils authors of Mumbaï attacks be blamed for.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Where you at? Yeah, pretty twisted but must admit it did work so far! The regime has always managed to drive Small Nations rights movements to a negative image, leading to a form of sectarian violence or shameful political stands.... I mean require and deserve some help as the regime's conduct is an absolute shame. Could you imagine Scotland in this situation.... The kinf of relations the paris regime has with these cultures, you think, they live in the 14 or 15th centuries... still at war with Small group of people that just want to speak their language go by their ways and say their word over their future and land! I mean... Got it.

Change as it is too slow.

I don't know, changing the course requires Small Nations rights movements to team, the damages extent done by the regime, absence of least care for people from those expected to do so have established abuse, careless and wrong behaviour as standards, will not make it easy. So far the regime has managed with success, no doubt about that, to push any Small Nations rights movements toward violence and apperances of extremism. It require so much energy, thinking and self control to face the incredible level of provocation developped that most end up in despair and soon or later join or enter one form or another of violence.
The regime state and level of denial of any rights for these groups, languages, cultures and land has led to some forms of violence as movements fighting for rights or as individuals (looking for someone to be responsible)ending up in extreme right political movements (amasing stuff as extreme right deny of course any rights to Small Nations) but both of these issues suit perfectly the regime's agenda.

No, but press this morning showing paris regime about to lauch a new, powerful, and large offensive against Small Nations with a special for Corsica. The paper "le parisien" kind of official propaganda's voice for nomenklatura non members has for several weeks now started a campaign targeting the island culture(Corsica). The campaign aimed at showing that aliens to the island are "mistreated" and courageaous because speaking up....!! As a good propaganda tool, no mention of alien's behaviour.... "I can do whatever I want here, it's france" regardless of the Corsican's People rights, language and culture. Can say that even simple education is for these aliens considered optional. Their behaviour can though be explained as often victims of abuse repeat the behaviour. Corsican People not just the only mistreated Small Nation, all are or have been and the regime has set the standard, undirectly these behaviours have been or are encouraged by the regime "You have no rights as Breizh or Basque or else why sould the Corsican have any respect for their language, culture, Land or future..." based on the bad instincts all individuals have and try or try not to control, the regime with no shame encourages the worse possible of everyone, trying as often as possible to sparkle violence in order for them to pursue negative propaganda and insure (Corsican in this case) rights movements cannot earn any public support.
I guess you already know all about their techniques but.... always better documented.

Some know how to kill the beat don't they!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Armel, le harnais!!!!!! NO luxury there, you hear me!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

YOu got 84 - Bonnie now!

Well, in the past, I agreed with the principles.... didn't you? I mean if taken as they are shown, how could you disagree...? until I found out they're just a tool for spoliation of weaker group of people... Am I happy it took me so much time to find out...? Guess.

Well they think they're smart because they have their "police nationale" and army so they threaten people around. We can set you up and send you to jail, can make sure you don't have a job and sleep outdoors, set you up with some stuff and rip you off etc.... I know all that, they do it in all territories where they're in trouble...
And right now it's true. That's why they act like that....Power drunk..!

The first sign is transparency.
Breaking News - Hugh on air!

I meant anytime they say they're doin whatever, working for "progress", you know what I mean, trying to hide they have an agenda, acting like they're not working for anybody, that they don't have interests and don't stand for some interests group. As long as they do and pretend that, you know you're not in a Democracy. Not a true one. Everybody has interests and agenda and all these agendas compete. That's the truth.

Agenda you mean?

Don't think you can say that yet. When it will be the right time is when they will acknowledge that they have an agenda. They're still in the denial phase right now.... on top of what it's embedded in the language and that's why they imposed it exclusively... Just watch how it is difficult for Corsican, Basque and else militants to access the medias and just explain what they stand for and be able to reach out to people. I think of course mainstream medias don't help but it's also because domination and abuse is embedded in the french language, it's the tool they used to impose their domination not just in these territories but also in what are now other countries. Without knowing it, it's the main cause for the difficulties to express the damage they did, do and for the very same reason, it makes it inaudible for others, it would lead them to question their own painful history and future. That's why the first step is still to reconquer your language and add an exchange language that you can use to express what's in your hearts and soul, what they have done to you, what they have destroyed, the rights you want today and the help you need to recover.

Europe - The young Corsican democracy taking the lead on the continent over the Automotive Stimulus Plan.
Unexpectedly, Ajaccio the capital of the young democracy has today surprised the european markets with an automotive stimulus plan of its own and is now leading the way for the industry to start a recovery.
The first step of the plan which is to remove from active duty the Paris nomenklatura's fleet of old polluting cars has been immediately implemented in the capital. The new Authorities have declared "our plan is fully comprehensive, help the car industry and improve the environment."

Monday, November 24, 2008

One ne dit pas un quelque chose breton....

It's strange how sometimes I surprise myself with some high expectations from some self declared "educated people" over estimating their accurate knowledge....not the first time I wonder why but do I keep doing that???


Rien ne va plus, faîtes vos jeux - Rien ne va plus, faîtes vos jeux. Benoit n'ira pas à Canossa, Segolene blesse son coeur d'une langueur monotone, Martine conserve toutes ses chances - Benoit n'ira pas à Canossa, Segolene blesse son coeur d'une langueur monotone, Martine conserve toutes ses chances. Le 17 peut rentrer, la vaisselle est intacte. Le 17 peut rentrer, la vaisselle est intacte.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

UK - Londres - Labaisse du taux de TVA pourrait être supérieur à 2%.

Shopping : Alert - Londres - Baisse du taux de TVA attendue de 2%

Londres - Face à la crise, le gouvernement de Gordon Brown ne reste pas inactif et s'apprête à diminuer le taux de TVA de 2% afin de faire baisser l'ensemble des prix par une mesure décisive. Le taux situé à 17,50% serait porté à 15,50% et le taux de 5% sur l'ensemble des produits de première nécessité et l'enfance passerait à 3%.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Support a 2800 abaissé a compris entre 2200 et 2250

Reference Periode : -> Dec 15 sauf nouvelle evaluation