Wednesday, December 17, 2008

well I use that to identify totalitarian speech. Any political speech, policy aimed at interfere with the evolution of human societies, wether it's to reclaim "purity" or change their language or culture are totalitarian. Both the nazis and the communists fit in.
I've to rewrite that but I think you'll get the idea. It's clear in my mind but...

Stick to the mechanism they have used to dominate, always coupled with communities deprived of their language most of the time it was just to steal their wealth or land, true today...

Yop, go on until you find some legal ground, the bet is you will cause they think they're smart at the game of spoiling small communities such as the Corsicans and others but time has changed.

Ask why did they refuse the EU Small Nations act? then again you get the answer, deprive these communities of the tool they need to rebuild themselves, then again why?

I wouldn't go there.... Stick to Land, Language, Culture, Rights. This is the winner. It worked everywhere in the world, sometime very late but it did whatever the bullsheet....

I'll get back to you, but.... why shouldn't you want transparency in a political process whatever this process is?
Do that, just ask why at all times and you get the answer.

I didn't get it but so far what I've heard is always the same President Elect Obama is their new thing cause they campaign on that in a desperate attempt to compensate their previous campaign and cause they are scared of sanctions....but they're known alright, their action of crooks in Corsica and on other Small Nations territtories are better known worlwide.

Give a few minutes cause I have to send these

They don't want any transparency in the system cause they want to go on spoiling the Small Nations... if they had entered the positive rights mindset, they could be easily held accountable....They don't want any of that the spoliation must go on with a special for Corsica...

Na, I'm sending cards. It's boggus...

Shouldn't, it's gonna take sometime but you'll win. The Paris regime is the last western country to deny rights to the Small Nations, they won't be able to go on or they will be sanctionned.

Are you surprised?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Useful tips

If you live in a country where being critic of the regime or being critic of the regime out of the official designated opposition, well don't be in your essay. Just write positively on how you dream your country with a Bill of Rights. It will be also possible to send anonymously your essay when the site is up. It is not a political stand but an intellectual exercise aimed at broaden the knowledge of positive rights and their influences on our modern societies wherever we are in the world.

In case you need material to work out the second essay part of the mandatory homework, here is a very good starting point.

I meant the right to be a Corsican, a Basque and the tolerance from others... you can be that in the US, people will be interested in your language, your culture, your history as a people, your land....
They'll be so surprised.

Next trip, I'll try to find Universities interested and teamed with them.... I can wait to see these kids if we ever manage to find the money and be able to send some from Corsica, Breizh to the US for a year!!!! Wen they find out about Freedom, Rights for language and culture, tolerance.

Saw it. Well that's a world record I think, 1 year jail time then conditional for 18 lives man... that's cheap, h..bip cheap!
Though, you better do that than be a Basque militant when no proof of no sh..bip sends you behind bars for 10 years.. I have tried to tell you, that's what happened when you don't have a Judiciary system. In this case, you have right there, jury is an ideology hostage and play at being God... very often that way. System....!
Get as many essays as you can, I'm with Becky now.

"A bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against

Folks, we're back at it, keep working I'll be soon giving you the website address to post your homework, we'll have gifts for the best essays of each country.
Second essay :
What will be the principal value of the Bill of Rights in your country if you ever have one? What are your expectations should your country adopt a Bill of Rights, will it play an educational role, a symbolic role or do you wish to see the maximum benefit as an additional check on the power of the other branches?

Well, I don't mind I even think it's great to help people that need it. Is it good tv? Don't know about that. What does disturb me, it's when journalism is used to generate emotions when it should be investigating the lack of gov policies success, history of these policies.... Now use tv to help people is good if the emotions generated that way are not used to hide bad management and the most important a history of no rights, no opportunities system.

Be good do not question the regime's policies....! Do not ask why they entertain a policy of unemployment at a minimum rate of (officially)8% closer in fact to 10% for the past 25 years and a bit more.
Tell me why, Baby.

No, I would go for emotional management..!!

I wonder why after using so much violence to destroy the Small Nations social networks, tv people don't investigate the social consequences of these policies.

I doubt the place has been run seriously... best social system on earth and record high level of tax to get there.....
What do you say, they missed what?

Catch 48.

Le 7 et le 11 ont des arguments mais c'est rien à coté de la dame au pull noir.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I'm sad to say that nobody was able to give the right answers.

A reminder :
"A bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against
every government on earth."
Who said that ?
When ?
What were the arguments?
Kaushel on air!
Thomas Jefferson, who did not attend the Constitutional Convention, in a December 1787 letter to Madison called the omission of a Bill of Rights a major mistake: "A bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against every government on earth."
You are invited to visit this page. You'll find the Bill of Rights and very useful informations. For most people throughout the world, any progress of rights is most of the time related to a crisis often violent at a time the powerful "step back" on non essential and fundamental rights to end the crisis.... What's make the US Bill of Rights so special in mankind history is that it wasn't written in such circumtances. The powerful (that's what were Georges Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, all biographies can be found on the White House website) at the time thought (special thanks to T. Jefferson) one the first thing we have to do as we lead is protect the People from us and make it in a way that will last. Stunning men, were they politicians?
The Bill of Rights value, in Madison's view, was in part educational, in part as a vehicle that might be used to rally people against a future oppressive government, and finally--in an argument borrowed from Thomas Jefferson--Madison argued that a declaration of rights would help install the judiciary as "guardians" of individual rights against the other branches.
I kept asking myself, what drove them, why did they reach that level of generosity and care for the People to think it needed to be protected from the kind they were more than 200 years ago.
Well! New homework, I'll be waiting for a four pages essay, here is the subject :
Do you wish to see your country add your Constitution a Bill of Rights? Are there other rights that you wish to be included in the Bill of Rights? What are they? Are there some rights included in the Bill of Rights that you think unsuitable for your country? What are they and Why?

I don't know much but it does look just the same, Madoff has the same profile than Mike and the story looks just the same.... What should have been and remain a very small hedgy market activity got bigger and bigger as some people jus lookin for quick lazy double digits return with "no risk" why not, kept throwing millions and millions probably billions....

Well, I don't see much progress.... I didn't mention it but we welcome participants from any part of the world, medias in China, Indonesia, Africa, Russia and Middle East can play. Although, I'm sorry to announce that Iraqi medias are banned from entering the game for now, I did say that you can use the internet to find the answers but I didn't say you can use the President of the United States of America....
Unexpectedly, President Bush travelled to Irak and he may help you find out the right answers, I cannot let the other participants think it's okay to cheat, invite the President and ask him the answers, therefore for that first play, you guys are out.
Bad News, Jon, seems that you're in trouble, I listened carefully to UAW Chairman and he made very clear that he doesn't support absentee.... if I were you I wouldn't miss one day from now on... I'd like to remind you that Charlie Chaplin kept doing his job in very difficult times.

1st tip : The World's Most Famous Arena in the heart of New York City
2nd tip : The second most populated county in Colorado

I'm watching Wolf, the tip to be published when Late Edition is over.

Alright, alright, I'm a bit late but the tip is coming..... nice try everywhere but not close enough. I thought I had been articulate, US medias and UK medias are not aloud to play that one, you guys have a Bill of Rights.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Closest answer so far, both from Pragues :

Not quite but closing up.... From, Poznan, Pragues, Budapest, Anvers, Yerushalaïm, we're getting some answers quite close.

Wrong answer from Europe 1. You can do better!

Bonjour Olivier. Les nuits d'experience de Laetitia.... lui permettent-elles de nous parler d'autres choses que des chats et des chiens.
Yes, you can use internet to participate. NO, Gordon cannot participate.

A great starter for today!

"A bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against
every government on earth."
Now, I'll be checking who is listening carefully.
Who said that ?
When ?
What were the arguments?
I will give a tip at 0100GMT but I have to say that I prefer not to have to.

Sasha has always that same lovely smile.

Did you get some compensation for these acres?

The human rights universal declaration which they pretend give them somekind of anteriority wasn't it seems universal enough to offer the Corsicans, the Basque and the Breizh some rights....
They gonna say that it's universal, so of course the Corsicans and all the Small Nations are included, then you ask, alright then, does it mean that your version of the universal character of human rights include an authorisation to destroy cultures and languages or does it mean that to access your version of human rights (but don't know exactly what it is), the Small Nations have to forget about their language, culture and rights?
Very complicated stuff man.... don't get what you mean. I don't mind reading your post but...
I would put it that way. I think it's easier for people to get your point.
How many acres of land has the paris regime universal human rights cost the Corsicans and the Small Nations?
That way I think it speaks more to people, you know, people can put a price on an acre.

Well I'm glad someone was charitable enough to tell Jon the campaign was over... the guy is finally back on the job...

Alright, your post is lazy.....I meant, but you could have guessed, leverage has helped EASE the move for quite a fair amount ..... You can complain as much as you want about the crisis but how many jobs buildings homes, in banks selling and managing mortgages, selling and managing derivatives and mortgage back securities, how many years of profit, how many years of gdp growth before the crisis when in the mean time there was an unprecedented shift of jobs and industries from "the west " to other economies?
An unprecedented shift of jobs and industries, what for?
They can make goods such as toys, computers, tvs, mp3 players that they sell or they can make weapons they can use... the first part of the statement has been thought to be preferable. Free Trade for Peace.
But what now that we're broke, whose gonna buy MP3 players? What do we have to sell to our recently rich neighbours to keep buying them new MP3 players?

Friday, December 12, 2008

No, leverage has allowed to hide the move for quite a fair amount of time but....

You know, there has been the biggest ever wealth transfer in mankind history from "the west" to other and emergent economies for the past decade and a bit more. We just got the bill.
Take it as the price for peace...

Don't think so, the bet is "Are the Irish "crisis scared" enough to give in?". Think, at the same time it's the game, can we seize this crisis as an opportunity to have them re-vote, hoping that at a time of crisis, the People may see the "yes" as the price to pay to have an EU umbrella should things worsen even if the umbrella won't work if really things worsen.... have I guessed.

Oil prices may crash as low as $10 a barrel, says Devina Mehra, chief strategist at First Global. She explains her extremely bearish outlook on oil.
Goldman says $45 through 2009.

How was your day? Was busy.... as you may have guessed.

This is America, you know, Congress in the US isn't "a big and nice shoe"..... Not everybody works for the auto-industry and emails received seem to show that there is a bailout fatigue.... Might be reworked but I guess that Ford will survive, may be another one but all three, I don't know...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I'll be there next!

It's the language, abuse, violence and domination are defining terms of their mindset. They don't think, they don't even know or say anything ever on the balance of power.... at the same time if you work hard and manage to spread around you a different mindset, I think it's easy to turn around the tables because they aren't used to it.
Well, I guess it's easier, you know, why should they bother uplift the people when to make some money (their whatsoever only objective) they can bullsheet about "the return of the State" funny.... just like the ugly thing was gone for a while but folks be patient the devil is about to land on earth....!! Guess what.... just what I needed to think alright Sen Shelby and Sessions are right, the bailout must be questionned.

Well, I really love to know what's funny about it? that's why I asked you....

no, I'm flyin around january 15th.

Was sure of that, well, they're fun aren't they?

Yop, I'm watching..... difficult, you know, a very different place, there is no bill of rights, when you're not protected from the "State's" actions, government policies, people may turn to any political adventure. This why I praised so much the balance of power, the Bill of Rights provides with each and everyone of its amendments .... Comfort man and peace of mind.

No, but I wonder... not the first time I heard jokes about it. And. I guessed that they are used to somekind of separation in between "the State" and the People. When we ask "Have you ever been arrested or convicted for an offense or crime involving moral turpitude or a violation related to a controlled substance; or have been arrested or convicted for two or more offenses for which the aggregate sentance to confinement was five years or more; or have been a controlled substance trafficker; or are you seeking entry to engage in criminal or immoral activities ?" it isn't "the State" speaking, it's WE THE PEOPLE through our government asking you about to step on our soil. WE THE PEOPLE are giving you an opportunity to think over what you intend to do on our soil, a last opportunity before entering our country to turn back. Of course, we will also keep this document and use it in court if ever you break your parole. But was told a criminal will of course say NO... never know still worth trying to talk to him before stepping on our soil, and one more count in court...
So do you think it's funny? and why?

Na, don't know. Do you know what's funny about the visa waiver questions?

Had some security update.

Jean-François, how do you know ?

Basic Information on the Stimulus Payments. Here we go folks. But doesn't look like the François plan...

What do you have on the previous stimulus cheque?

Bush, Bush, Bush, 3 times, that's a call I guess? Online?

I'd to go out... Well, it's difficult because they don't understand really. I don't know how to say that but, in fact they repeat stuff, it' isn't thought through when they talk about human rights. I think you should listen more of what they have to say, you'll see that most of it is like a fifth grade lesson. They repeat on and on again some ready made stuff about human rights, it's both a deterrent and a propaganda tool.

You got to be kidding, compare to any paris regime politician, Rod R. Blagojevichn is a priest.

The wire just now, the Irish didn't vote according to the paris regime repeated orders which was, "Vote YAWOHL! IS IT CLEAR ENOUGH!", the paris regime hasn't yet informed about the sanctions it may take if WE THE PEOPLE of IRELAND decide to vote "THANKS BUT NO THANKS"..... The Irish dared..... Drama, Drama, Drama..... Well, "the State" has the answer, they will vote again and again and again until they vote the right thing, the "State" will educate you PEOPLE of IRELAND, when you are asked to vote, "NO", isn't an option, the NO coupon is there for everyone to think you're in a "democraty" but not for you to use it, the "State" knows what's good for you, you don't.... DO YOU GET IT!!!

Noway, the other day a paris regime "pro-eminent democrat journalistic elite member" said on tv that their congress is somekind of "a big and nice shoe".... regarless I have guessed of which ever party has the majority....
I think it should be kept for, as a definition of what was the paris regime democracy in early days (2008), a manual of democracy paleontology.

Understand America

Everytime, you feel like saying the "State should, would, will etc..., has to...", replace the "State" with WE THE PEOPLE, it won't tell you everything about America but it should help you to begin a different approach to the American mind. An abstract entity such as "the State" is of a totalitarian essence.

I know saw it, but you know these guys have always been absolutely shameless, they talk about human rights just the way alcoolics speak about their propblem... they don't have any....! I mean I just read yesterday an editorial, was a free small city town hall magazine, and it is scary, unlimited taste for totalitarian ideas, you read "the State" will, should, etc... a number of times....
But in a way drove me to think that it could be helpful.

Let me think, that we still have a fair chance to see the continent's birth of its Hong Kong.

I guess we won't see it for now at $20 or $25. Seen CNBC poll on UK policies?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I feel sorry if anyone in India (or Paris for that matter)thinks victims are considered differently if they are in Mumbaï compare to NYC. I don't think there is any difference, but does anyone really think that reach LeT training camps militarily is of the same nature than reach terrorist camps in Afghanistan? Can such an attempt to eliminate terrorists start a much bigger conflict with a nuclear capable country? That is the only reason I see to explain why the US Administration has tried to encourage India to both show restrain and request that Pakistan engages in a very proactive policy to end all terrorist groups activities on its soil.

Torture : US Law says

Offense.— Whoever outside the United States commits or attempts to commit torture shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both, and if death results to any person from conduct prohibited by this subsection, shall be punished by death or imprisoned for any term of years or for life.
(b) Jurisdiction.— There is jurisdiction over the activity prohibited in subsection (a) if—
(1) the alleged offender is a national of the United States; or
(2) the alleged offender is present in the United States, irrespective of the nationality of the victim or alleged offender.
(c) Conspiracy.— A person who conspires to commit an offense under this section shall be subject to the same penalties (other than the penalty of death) as the penalties prescribed for the offense, the commission of which was the object of the conspiracy.

Now, three men the government has admitted exposing to the extreme interrogation technique called waterboarding are alived and very well.
Sen McCain has been tortured and anyone can see it anytime, if you can find someone that has spent sometime in Gitmo and is now like Sen MacCain, please invite him for everyone to see....really you should...

At last the Paris regime says some truth....

The Paris regime State Secretary declares "it was a mistake to create a Human Rights Secretary position in a country that doesn't respect any human rights whatsoever and deny up to the right to be Corsican, Basque, Breizh and....".
Well, today is an exceptional day, it happened, the Paris speaks the truth, don't worry, it shouldn't last.

To start with I was a bit surprised when I heard CNBC speaking Welsh but it's kind of nice.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Kissimmee, my hometown, driving around you'll see, we have a very popular bumper sticker...... "Politicians don't like armed peasans", that's why the debate over the second amend is hot stuff.

Patrick be good, I'm watching!

"Total avant travaux" quite a shot!

If can't afford a stimulus that will probably worsen the deficit, what's left?

Some very, very drastic cuts in public spending, welfare programs.....and some just as drastic cuts of indirect tax such as tipp to keep some economic activity going on....

Will reach 60 billions by year unsustainable pace.

Monday, December 08, 2008

No, I do not think you will ever heard of that on your medias, noway..... can always ask the "pedagogue" why but I ain't sure to get an answer...on that one... No just kidding!

Why should international human rights law vest members of a minority community with rights that secure a measure of autonomy from the state in which they are located? Answers to this question typically rest on a commitment to the protection of certain universal attributes of human identity from the exercise of sovereign power. Minority protection thus operates on the assumption that religious, cultural, and linguistic affiliations are essential features of what it means to be human. This essay offers an alternative account of why minority rights possess international significance, one that trades less on the currency of religion, culture, and language and more on the value of international distributive justice. On this approach, international minority rights speak to wrongs that international law itself produces by organizing international political reality into a legal order. This account avoids the normative instabilities of attaching universal value to religious, cultural, and linguistic affiliation and, instead, challenges the international legal order to remedy pathologies of its own making.
From previous post, to be seen... I know I'm watching but what to say, just one more reason to speed up the's always about the same, you don't see that in Wales or Scotland....People proud of their culture, celebrating it, speaking their language and not feeling any denial of their rights just don't do that kind of ugly stuff, the regime is responsible and should be blamed, that's my opinion and why I support the program.

Don't know yet how it fits with EU act, and or how it's been introduced if at all into regime's rules...

Just watch your IP...

yop, some regime's media (itele) right now are gone crasy about it, celebration, celebration, a great victory against terrorism etc.....;........;.... you know the coq thing!!!

I saw it (wire)... well, do expect more of that as they get scared... tehy know they'll be in a terrible situation in a few months and probably unable to control at the same time uprises in several territories while facing major urban violence in Paris, the region....and other big cities. I guess they hope by such actions to withdraw people that can coordonate actions.... pretty desperate but ...

NO, you don't get it, it's a bench of hypocrits, they always do that, more power to the state to do as you can expect it nothing.....they could empower the workers trough the judiciary system, but don't make mistakes, they won't do that....
Catch you later, got something for you (international laws)Small Nation's rights

Nathalie, seat properly and both hands on the desk!

She's got nice eyes, doesn't she?

Pierre, please, don't dance on your chair as you sometimEs depending on the camera and angle, hide the lady behind you.

No kidding!

To please Jacques...! He asked for it, we cannot decieve.

Breaking News - The Paris regime to save the economy takes a decisive step. The administration count a new member, a Secretary Patrick, in charge of the oversight of how the administration (I mean his collegues)is going to spend the tax payer's money.... to improve the economy....a plan that the administration has decided.... ??? not the Congress.... NO..... The President...??? YES, he decided the amount, YES, he chose the guy in charge of the oversight.... YES???... and the Congress....??? Watching.... on TV ..... YES

Weekend Good &Bad News :

Serge, have some good news and some bad news, I watched most of your shows and documentaries, most of the time, it's ok, isn't always as objective as I'd like to are a great tv guy and I have to say, it has been a pleasure to watch your work although (here comes the bad news) let's put it that way, your "pedagogue's job" is a complete failure, an absolute disaster and with regret we will end that collaboration, you're sacked, I mean fired from the pedagogue's position but you keep the shows I love it.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

I know that,....from me... but well, the fact is the wording is essential and directly linked to mindset, that's why I still think that you should try to think it in english, write and then translate as the set of values embedded in the language is the tool you need to fight for your rights. You don't have any of Small Nations rights movements history in french, it has never been thought as and I believe until prove otherwise that the the regime is still at war and want to outnumber the Corsicans, disconnect others from the LAND so they can't claim any rights in the future.

Such as UNITED CORSICANS, BASQUE, BREIZH will stand in this EU 2009 elections to defend our RIGHTS to speak our language, celebrate our CULTURE and make a decent living from our LAND. We kindly thank the regime for the small grants.... but we have no good reason to let it off the hook as long as LAND from the regime's properties has not been granted to our members.

Don't know about that kind of stuff, looks like a grant... but a grant isn't enough... any Small Nation member has the right to LAND, this a basic right, to insure farming or hunting.

Just ask, anytime, we can be an unlimited ressource 24/7.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Talk to you a bit later. What do you say?

I meant, the Small Nations will refuse to play the regime's political game of extreme right, left, center and don't know whatelse.... all aimed at avoiding the Small Nation's interest debate. Could be, we have no time for that, we do understand the all thing whoever they are, right center left and extremes, have been so far a tool to divide us and prevent us to defend our interests as Small People, therefore we will not enter the political game which might be of a great interest and legitimate but not for us. We are engaged in a battle for Rights, these have no political opinions, The Small Nation's People are very diverse and so are their political opinions but for this election we are engaged as Small Peoples in a struggle that we cannot afford to loose, OUR RIGHTS.

Enough of what?

Have to expect that..! They're goin to back down just like that, I mean look at any rights movements, it's always a long painful and sometime violent struggle... For decades and more, they got used to the fact, as an example, that Corsicans don't have any rights, same thing for many Small Nations and they're not about to change that if they don't have to, understand, "I'm the strongest, I rule the place and you do what I say...", of course I(the regime) strongly condemn regimes based on "the law of the strongest". Guess what, it's gonna take time and the ability to cease opportunities. But, somehow, 2009 elections can be a very good starting point to turn the tables around... as a first step recover the language is kee, so based on
and the first one is to SPEAK OUR LANGUAGES ON OUR LANDS(the regime must sign the Small Nations Act), the second one is A DECENT JOB or LAND (so we can hunt and farm to take care of our families, if the regime cannot provide a sustainable economy on Small Nations Lands that provide good well paid jobs, I guess that Small Nations cannot accept the regime's economic regulations on their Lands, the regime can pack and go. The third one is the regime cannot any longer decide the Small Nation's future, what's right and wrong for them. For the Paris dictatorship over culture, the party is over.
Should the Small Nations Freedom movements team for RIGHTS in the 2009 EU election, I think they can score so well. With three or four RIGHTS demand that are common to all, such a team should be very welcome as anybody can understand that the Small Nations are not fighting anyone but fighting on their own LANDS for their RIGHTS, where else should they do that? The regime wants to be in charge therefore it has to provide and deliver care and a sound economy with a more appropriate tax system that allows the Small Nations to prepare the future. The regime has for the past years confused the Small Nations with speeches using extreme right of guess what "the regime", the Small Nations have enough of that game just aimed, yes, laugh if you want to, it's alright, we have humor, we finally understood, at fighting a legitimate rise of demand for RIGHTS from the Small Nations. The Small Nations don't want any of that anymore.
It is very simple, here is our LAND and history as a Small Nation, we have a language, a culture and we are telling respectfully to the regime, we want that to be respected, we don't want anymore any laws or regulations targeting from Paris these RIGHTS for us to speak and celebrate our language and culture(all existing laws or whatever are cancelled) in all areas of public or private life. We also want to be very clear, the economic regulations and policies implemented on our LANDS have had and have a lot of consequences, we're respectfully telling the regime that being in charge imply to provide a sound economy and well paid jobs for our members, failing to do so can only be compensated by granting LANDS(on regime's properties) for our members in order for them to be able to exploit it.
I really do think that with a well driven campaign, based on what is after all just the basic rights of any member of a small cultural group who do not control anymore his historical land, with a team of Small Nations members dedicated to RIGHTS can perform so well in this election that the team will soon be the regime's nightmare. But it looked for it, and let's make it clear, this has nothing to do with the actual president, the problem is much older. Enough of that!

Friday, December 05, 2008

President Bush interested in medecine but not just...
Thought, might be interested in.

Patrick, quand tu joues à gagner des millions, restes concentré....!! sur ce que tu fais et laisses Claude tranquille!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

A new evidence of President Bush's interest in medecine

Breaking News -
Participate in Saddleback Civil Forum
on Global Health

Monday, December 01, 2008

Looks to me, we should retest the lows pretty soon. What are you up to? Saw Rick a few minutes ago, disinflation is still far away based on everyday basic needs where the inflation, following the new currency has hurt most.....
Margins I believe should be at record high levels wherever there is no competition, what is the case in most sectors....(Paris regime territories)

It works that way, the stranger ceased to be a visitor to become an invader, the traditional greetings is replaced by fear and anger as the choice disappear when the community is disempowered. Kee is the language as it determines the mind set and establish the relation to the land, as the community feels the land's loss through its inability to use its language on a daily basis, every word being a reminder, the distress is expressed through sometime violence.
Almost anywhere in the world, the outcome is always more or less the same, erratic social behaviours, violence, sometimes criminal activities. The regime has every possible responsability in what's going on as long as they fight the most obvious right for the Corsican People to recover the use of their language for every day needs and refuses to implement the EU Small Nations Act (step by step towards Freedom).