Tuesday, January 20, 2009


A Welcome Rally in Texas for President Bush

And a breaking news. President Bush has a new Domestic Agenda. Take the trash out and because he is an outstanding personality, every day by 8 in the morning, he will have cooked Laura's breakfast, walked 10 miles, gone fishing for 2 hours or so and read the morning press worldwide usually printed by the time he finishes to read the evening press also worldwide.

Frederic : lies again in your classroom!!!

President Obama didn't refuse the public financing funds..... In fact, President Obama's decision to opt out of the public-financing system was met with a firestorm of negative response, and not just from Republicans. So what does all this money talk really mean? By refusing federal money, President Obama avoided the strict spending limits imposed on publicly funded candidates. Since the 1970s, the government has offered all major-party presidential candidates taxpayer money for their campaigns.In return, the candidates must agree not to seek or spend private donations to cover campaign expenses. Moreover, they must agree to state expenditure limits, based on the number of voters in each locality. The public campaign-financing system, instituted after the Watergate scandal surrounding Richard Nixon, is intended to make presidential elections less corrupt and politicians less beholden to individual donors.

Might be inauguration day in America, not for you folks! Therefore, got some homework for you,

don't complain, it's gonna be light, one question.
Not long ago, Americans were ignorant, cowboys, puritans, ultra-conservative, didn't know how to situate Lyon on a map (ended up being Toulouse), eating junk food, had elected GW not one but twice, and more.
According to you (a paragraph), how do you explain this Paris regime's medias sudden change of mood about the Americans?

Well, what they have done to these communities is unbearable from Corsica to Breizh and others, the worse has been done in the last 30 to 40 years and they have no excuses whatsoever, it was a political will to destroy. I'm not going to compare with other crimes to try to darken and build some stupid plan to persuade people. Prevent these communities to learn their language, refuse to allow them to use it in documents, collect so much taxes they can't invest in the community's future was, is wrong, they hope to get away with it....I wouldn't bet on that.
Don't give up, try to persuade that violence won't help cause soon or later when it is legitimate and it is, the Small Nations will win and make their case. They think they'll be able to fool everyone, what they have done for so many decades.... but The World Bill of Rights is coming.....

Well, with Scotland's help, the Small Nations can ripped the Paris regime's crooks.

I know, he's on his way to London.

Well, they give some wrong informations cause they're scared the EU citizens may ask the same...!

You can start visiting :

No, the paris regime is an extreme case man, they rewrite the dbipbip thing every other week depending on how they're bothered with the text.... UK doesn't do that!

Key to understand American Democracy

"....and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Le Président prend l'engagement avec ces mots de garantir les droit civiques de tous les citoyens y compris de ses opposants et jusqu'au dernier. Le Président n'est pas élu pour réécrire et modifier le texte des droits fondamentaux de chaque citoyen et cette garantie, unique dans le monde, permet à chaque citoyen opposant ou non de célébrer un nouveau Président et à la vie politique d'avoir ce caractère de paix. La victoire à l'élection du candidat d'un parti ou de l'autre ne comporte pas de "menaces" pour une partie ou une autre des citoyens qui ont la certitude et l'assurance de leurs droits.

Saw Folks from Louisiana singing the Bayou!

Wonder if they were celebrating how lucky they were the Paris regime sold the place....a few years ago....by the way what happened to the 250 billions they got from the sale???
Shoudn't ask may be?

To prepare the EU election.

NO kidding!

I'm at it now, but got there for the chocolate stuff....


That's a lie (propaganda), there is no amunition such as "phosphorus bomb", just doesn't exist....Phosphorus is only used to lighten....

has been lookin for a home and a school in Wales.

Think he has meetings in Edinburgh.

they are jokes!!

I had to change flights date, but be home soon for a while.

Don't make mistakes, this crisis should be a unique opportunity for the Small Nations to regain their dignity, recover their pride and rights. The deal wasn't written but, was, give up language, culture and rights over the Land and the regime will deliver progress, if it failed to do so, expect a strong move towards strong values and rights. In the first place the deal was wrong most of the time I believe imposed rather than celebrated and wether it is Breizh or Corsica or any other Small Nations, they shouldn't have been forced to give up their culture, language and rights to access progress but... it did happened, next the deal was corrupted and this crisis will just bring to the light the giant dimension of the loss for these communities.... they have every right to react and ask for their rights and autonomy.

continental markets

Relax, keep sellin.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A new Human Rights organisation is born. Watch!

In LA - California, Hamas, after studying hard the Constitution, has discovered a very unusual way to celebrate

the Freedom of Speech granted by the Bill of Rights 1st Amendment. Although we are not sure yet that Hamas has decided to implement the 1st Amendment into Palestinian Law to avoid any further violent dispute (dozens of casualties) with their palestinian's political opponents....
Unusual because the 1st Amendment is sometimes misused to make some very controversial statements but Hamas supporters in LA have I believe for now win the award of the most unfair use doctrine of the first amend.
How this unexpected victory was possible?
Hamas supporters in LA: "Put the Jews back in the Ovens" [click here], Rest in peace hitler, Long live hitler, Jews are fossil fuel.... etc.
Undoubtely, a group of militants who will be a major push for peace where ever they can exercise their talent.

Don't be like that, keep in mind police is a corp, they're also in business for themselves and where there is business there is a deal possible... From the story I told you about to a senior member of the forces punished cause he became suspected of being loose on a demonstration of a movement of his people (that was in Corsica), think it's closing up to the point the regime will have to hand back rights, languages and self administration to the Small Nations or face some major troubles.

Well, I wouldn't say that cause, there is hope, recently a court sets a cop's life price at 6 month jailtime, I think it could soon possible to talk to them, do they really wanna serve a regime like that and find a deal so they just go for a coffee or stay home or leave if they come from somewhere else when asked by the regime to investigate Freedom movements in the Small Nations Lands and do the same if comes up the opportunity to speed up the process to recover the Small Nation's rights. I do think we're very close to that point. A deal is possible or will be possible soon.

They won't give a way to Corsican's, Basque's or Breizh's rights as the all thing is based (Imean the regime) on small nation's spoliation. They know that the language is key for the new generations to recover and they won't allow it if they can. Take Breizh, could be Scotland today if they had the same rights, would prove how incompetent, cheap and not a true democracy the Paris regime is. And the same goes for Corsica and the Basque nation. These lands and People have been and are ripped off by the regime.

I'm left off... can't get a hold of his blog.

Emmanuel, just the same,.... Guess who paid Richard Lyon Heart ransom..?

I know, Corsican, Basque and Breizh Freedom movements must dream of the day they will get the same attention....

I'm left with a video, she was telling GW was a gambler with the surge.

What do you have?

Ted, not long ago you told us that UMP was more or less ACORN, am I mistaking?

Ted, relax, I know it's difficult but....I'm sorry, they still don't know what is a Democracy with the People driving.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Well, I have seen the images just anybody else, but every israeli I know or talked to for the past few days are devastated at the civilian cost and whatever they say on tvs around the world, let me tell you that nowhere in Israel you had "champagne parties" to celebrate the civilian deaths such as what we saw in some countries after 9/11....
Therefore I'm glad it's over and I don't think there is one israeli cabinet's member happy with the civilian situation in Gaza but the first to be blamed for not protecting their civilians, for hiding and fighting without uniforms in the middle of civilian urban areas densely populated, knowing that the cost for the population will be tremendous, is the Hamas.
Heard them tonight and no change, a large part of the world ready to create the conditions for a state, waiting for the end of the use of weapons and violence, but no, won't give up violence, stunning.
I don't mind critics but some comments are very offensive unecessarily, that's my opinion and my right to do so.

Israel, pas juste une armée pour faire face au terrorisme...

-Comment se font les Tefilin [cliquez ici]
Boaz Sharabi & David Broza: Latet [cliquez ici]
Pour l'instant, c'est aussi une situation difficile et des choix difficiles
Images inédites de combats dans Gaza [cliquez ici]
Le Hamas dissimule explosifs et centres de tirs dans des écoles [cliquez ici]
Entre vie et mort dans le sud d’Israël [cliquez ici]

Paix - Gaza - Le PM Ehud Olmert a annoncé un cessez le feu immédiat.

Le Premier Ministre a décidé que le cessez le feu prendrait effet à minuit samedi (dimanche 0000 gmt) ce qui devrait marquer la fin des combats... Toutefois, le Hamas a fait savoir qu'il ne respecterait pas ce cessez le feu....
A retenir, si des Palestiniens commence à faire savoir qu'ils en ont assez des rockets du Hamas, il est permis d'espérer....

Nikos! Be good, I wished Amy had the award but... well.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Watchin Wolf. A jetliner went down in the Hudson river but passengers are safe.

Hum... Blogged over boursorama I guess - been selling TO buy usd, silly, could have guessed, couldn't you???.

C'est très bien cette idée de débat, accompagnée d'une très large autonomie dans un premier temps des petites Nations, Corsica, Basque et Breizh avec le rétablissemnt immédiat des langues nationales.
don't know, didn't watch this afternoon, have you?

Remain focused, please, Folks. Stick to the best media.

For more :

Frederic, je te vois faire, ne joue pas a Tulius!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

ON en parle...

C'etait a la hune hier, l'une des premieres actions que pourrait avoir a prendre le president elu B. Obama est un veto, car le congrès pourrait avoir des difficultes a voter certaines dispositions du plan pour stimuler l'economie car les constituancies sont tres loin d'approuver les depenses excessives des bail out.
Reste concentre Frederique!

Got some bad news!

Si Paul a raison sur la mort des conservateurs (tres hypothetique) et que Michel a lui aussi raison lorsqu'il dit qu'en definitive, ce sont les plus decides, les plus determines, ceux qui sont prets a tout y compris les pires violences qui emportent les victoires alors l'occident est peut etre deja mort....

Chez Frederic : Va-t-on mourir aujourd'hui ou demain?

Et, Et, et de quoi alors?

Ford: No Volt for us, Ford ne suivra pas le chemin choisi par GM

La commercialisation de vehicules tout electrique Edge est prevu par Ford au début de l'annee 2011.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Well, I don't know about that. But what I told you several times, they don't know about the Rule of Law, it's not thought through, they don't even know about why we have the fifth amendment, it's a terrible stuff, man you should have seen when they had a Congress commission investigating some their numerous case of people sent to prison that have done nothing not even being judged.... first thing the guy responsible said prior to his testimony was, "last night I received a phone call from my hierarchy (higher court judges) to remind me that I had to respect the professional confidentiality while testifying in front of this commission." Guess what, nobody said nothing about it, with what he said you already knew, he wasn't going to say anything useful, they can't offer immunity so.... It's a different world, for them the Law isn't the common rule chosen to live together cause they only know big gov that decides everything not the People. Our Democracy, is a four wheel car, three Branches, the Press and the People driving, theirs, is different, hardly a two wheel bicycle with a small wheel for the legislative branch.

Ever heard of an independant Justice System with no one being elected?? No one being accountable?? with the People behind the wheel.


will we find out if "l'independance " des "parquets" (attorneys?) mean that at last they gonna be really independant being elected by the People...I would be dabipbip surprised!

Come on watch Frederic.

On our way to find what Habeas Corpus "a la francaise" may hide....

Habeas Corpus a right for each and everyone, can't find a more universal right than this one, can it be "nationalised" and change into what the paris regime knows best to do, un droit collectif qui est un droit pour personne, comme ca pas gene.

Well, I don't mind you disagree with what I write, I mean that's your right...! But I do have the right to say that Israel has no special status regarding the law, there is nothing such as impunity... As an example, the paris regime has the same kind of treatment, the illegal occupation of several territories did not lead so far to any resolution.

According to terrorism standards :

Maximum disturbances with limited human and else ressources, I have to say that the attack on a rer A train is an outstanding "success".

More of it!

Un membre du gouvernement incapable d'assurer la securite de salaries sur leur lieu de travail enguirlande le president de la SNCF....

Amasing stuff...!

Un probable accident agricole, dramatique, pourrait etre la cause de deux deces en Corse, devient une activité peut etre "terroriste" cause la mort de deux personnes.....pourquoi? bah c'est en Corse....
Un groupe d'individus organisés tendent un piège à un salarie de la SNCF et l'agresse violemment, consequence, fermeture d'une gare, 450 000 voyageurs deroutes, suppression du traffic ferroviere desservant toute une region ouest.... la, pas de terrorisme que ce soit au regard des consequences comme de l'action propement dite, il faut considerer que demolir les salaries de la SNCF est une activite comme une autre....

Caught in action TF1, has any of you folks seen the stuff he's talking about?

Keep'in them honest (Tank you Anderson)
The guy says that they can't report honestly on this subject, how to trust them over very hot political topics.....

Monday, January 12, 2009

How come.. online? Thought you were in..!

Did you see it?

Israel n'est pas un cas d'exception qui serait autorisé à s'affranchir de la légalité fut-elle internationale.

Aujourd'hui tout le monde le sait ou le devine, la population civile palestienne a ete, est utilisee par beaucoup d'interets qui n'ont pas grand chose a voir avec ceux de cette population pour s'opposer a Israel ou aux Etats Unis selon les periodes. Enfin regulierement, l'etat d'Israel doit faire face non a des protestations civiles et pacifiques de populations en rebellion contre l'occupation de certains territoires mais a des bandes armees se livrant a des meurtres sur des populations civiles de pays voisins et a divers traffics, c'est a ce titre que les resolutions sont ce qu'elles sont et non pour d'obscures motivations d'ordre psychanalytique.

France - Recrudescence des actes antisemites - Une suite habituelle de la desinformation....

L'etat d'Israel et chacune des villes cibles habituelles des rockets et des tirs de mortier ont pris depuis 8 ans que la guerre entre Gaza et le sud d'Israel a commencé(beaucoup plus mediatique depuis que l'etat d'Israel a decide de repliquer) une serie de dispositions visant à proteger la population civile.
Contrairement a ce que doit faire tout gouvernement digne de ce nom, le Hamas n'a pris et ne prend toujours pas de dispositions visant a proteger la population de Gaza l'exposant volontairement aux effets de la guerre en s'en servant de bouclier....
Des liens importants :
- Une mère de la ville Sderot s'adresse au Nations Unies [cliquez ici]
- Les pilotes de Tsahal dévient leurs missiles pour ne pas toucher de civils !!! [cliquez ici]
- Le Hamas est le seul responsable de l'escalade de la violence à Gaza [cliquez ici]
- 10 minutes avec les soldats dans Gaza [cliquez ici]
- Des soldats de réserve entrent aujourd’hui dans Gaza [cliquez ici]

Friday, January 09, 2009

Des résultats très médiocres pour le dernier essai....!!

Et l'attention n'est pas bonne. Plusieurs minutes après l'adoption par le conseil de sécurité d'une résolution visant un cessez le feu immédiat à Gaza, un accord sur cette résolution était en vue sur BFM et Itele..... Il faudra près de 20' pour obtenir enfin le réveil de Itele, BFM continuant de dormir... Je crois l'avoir déjà dit, ma classe n'est pas un dortoir!!!!

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Un moment difficile pour Israel, Secretary RICE représentant les Etats Unis au Conseil de Sécurité n'oppose pas son veto à une résolution appelant à un cessez le feu immédiat dans le conflit à Gaza. Les déclarations qui suivent le vote faites les représentant du Royaume Uni, des Etats Unis et juste avant le vote par la france(le regime de paris) rappellent toutes les mesures indispensables qui doivent accompagner l'arrêt des hostilités tant sur le plan des principes, sécurité et dignité pour les Palestiniens comme pour les Israeliens, création d'un état palestinien, que sur celui des mesures techniques, ouverture des points de passage permettant une amélioration de la situation humanitaire, l'arrêts du traffic d'armes permettant au Hamas de commettre des actes de terrorisme, liberation immédiate de Guilad Shalit.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

About Rights - Homework - Third Essay

Topic : "Les nations quelle que soit leur taille ne meurent jamais sauf lorsqu'elles sont assassinées. Elles continuent de se développer et de progresser aussi longtemps que l'environnement n'est pas trop hostile sans qu'il soit possible de dire qu'il existerait une limite à ce dévelopement."
Qui est l'auteur de ces propos? A la lumière des exemples de l'Ecosse et du Pays de Galles, comparés à d'autres nations de même taille en europe, diriez vous que le Royaume Uni a su trouver une organisation institutionelle qui a favorisé l'épanouissement, le dévelopement et protégé les nations le composant mêmes les plus petites et les plus fragiles. L'histoire des relations entre ces nations et l'Angleterre plus puissante n'ont pas toujours été pacifiques cependant leurs relations ont su évoluer, à quoi attribuez vous cette capacité d'évolution et comment l'expliquez vous?

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

As everybody is shocked at the number of casualties following the UNRWA incident, the investigation has started

It seems that two senior Hamas militants are among the victims, that Hamas was using the school to hide amunitions which exploded following IDF fire retaliating at hostile fire.
CNN, just said, IAF have posted a video showing "Mortar Bombs Shot from UN School in Gaza 29 Oct. 2007".
Now as everybody is sad seing Gaza's kids in such a distress situation, unforgiveable is Hamas spokesperson stating :‘Palestinians have created a human shield of women, children and the elderly’ [...].

Read :

Poli Gazette : Here (President ABBAS at the UN Security Coucil)
Gates of Vienna : Jews Not Welcome
(Denmark - Jewish children must stay away from schools with many Arab students“There’s plenty of aggression in the air,” a school leader says about the Arab pupils who would give Jewish students a hard time if they dared to enter the school.Yesterday Humlehave School in Vollsmose made it known that it wants to dissuade Jewish children from attending the school on account of the many Arab children who attend it. Now two other schools with many Arab children have announced the same thing in Jyllands-Posten.)
“A Hamas spokesman was proud to announce, and I quote, ‘Palestinians have created a human shield of women, children and the elderly’ [...].

Right time to switch! Right on, Wolf's time!

Get ready to celebrate Basque independance...

Mais non, mais non ce n'est ni pour le "blanchir" ni pour "désarabisée".....

l'intention du ministère de l'"identité nationale" comme la loi sur le français "langue officielle" n'a rien à voir en réalité avec des mouvements migratoires récents, c'est avant tout pour prévenir la renaissance des Petites Nations, qui ont beaucoup appris en envoyant leurs enfants dans le Monde, et surtout pour prévenir des revendications territoriales qui pourtant sont à la fois inévitables et déjà écrites...

Rights for minorities.... Rights for Seminoles and one day the Paris regime

will discover one day may be helped with sanctions that Corsicans, Basques, Britons have rights...! Starting with the Language and access to free Land.

Le Corse aussi, le Corse aussi a eu à l'école des ancêtres assez discutables....

The guy has just found out, America is about rights.... Yeah Yeah.... Great!

Hey, silly, you didn't get it !! Where were you? I felt lonely.... Corsican, Basque and Britons have no rights but it's alright cause they're aliens...

On est tous content que Jean soit à bord du bateau de Vincent même si ce n'est pas tout à fait un homme...

Sont pas des hommes les Corses, les Basques , les Bretons? C'est pas un homme Jean?

Et un Corse, y dirait quoi du métissage et le Basque?

Get to work!! I'm at it!

Chez Frédéric.... voilà 1ere émission de l'année et ça commence...!

Une mosaïque du monde et pas un Corse, un Basque ou un Breton...
Et voilà encore le théorème Colombani.....Non nous ne jetons pas tous des rockets... à travers les frontières, non pas que nous n'en n'ayons jamais envie....

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Don't let Sderot down, YES YOU CAN

Seen it, now is the time for you to act, send your support to the Sderot People that have lived in fear for the passed several years without any Security Council meeting!

HOW? Here!