Have to expect that..! They're goin to back down just like that, I mean look at any rights movements, it's always a long painful and sometime violent struggle... For decades and more, they got used to the fact, as an example, that Corsicans don't have any rights, same thing for many Small Nations and they're not about to change that if they don't have to, understand, "I'm the strongest, I rule the place and you do what I say...", of course I(the regime) strongly condemn regimes based on "the law of the strongest". Guess what, it's gonna take time and the ability to cease opportunities. But, somehow, 2009 elections can be a very good starting point to turn the tables around... as a first step recover the language is kee, so based on
and the first one is to SPEAK OUR LANGUAGES ON OUR LANDS(the regime must sign the Small Nations Act), the second one is A DECENT JOB or LAND (so we can hunt and farm to take care of our families, if the regime cannot provide a sustainable economy on Small Nations Lands that provide good well paid jobs, I guess that Small Nations cannot accept the regime's economic regulations on their Lands, the regime can pack and go. The third one is the regime cannot any longer decide the Small Nation's future, what's right and wrong for them. For the Paris dictatorship over culture, the party is over.
Should the Small Nations Freedom movements team for RIGHTS in the 2009 EU election, I think they can score so well. With three or four RIGHTS demand that are common to all, such a team should be very welcome as anybody can understand that the Small Nations are not fighting anyone but fighting on their own LANDS for their RIGHTS, where else should they do that? The regime wants to be in charge therefore it has to provide and deliver care and a sound economy with a more appropriate tax system that allows the Small Nations to prepare the future. The regime has for the past years confused the Small Nations with speeches using extreme right of guess what "the regime", the Small Nations have enough of that game just aimed, yes, laugh if you want to, it's alright, we have humor, we finally understood, at fighting a legitimate rise of demand for RIGHTS from the Small Nations. The Small Nations don't want any of that anymore.
It is very simple, here is our LAND and history as a Small Nation, we have a language, a culture and we are telling respectfully to the regime, we want that to be respected, we don't want anymore any laws or regulations targeting from Paris these RIGHTS for us to speak and celebrate our language and culture(all existing laws or whatever are cancelled) in all areas of public or private life. We also want to be very clear, the economic regulations and policies implemented on our LANDS have had and have a lot of consequences, we're respectfully telling the regime that being in charge imply to provide a sound economy and well paid jobs for our members, failing to do so can only be compensated by granting LANDS(on regime's properties) for our members in order for them to be able to exploit it.
I really do think that with a well driven campaign, based on what is after all just the basic rights of any member of a small cultural group who do not control anymore his historical land, with a team of Small Nations members dedicated to RIGHTS can perform so well in this election that the team will soon be the regime's nightmare. But it looked for it, and let's make it clear, this has nothing to do with the actual president, the problem is much older. Enough of that!